Withdrawals are paid in a space of 0 - 24 hours, considering the functioning of the blockchain network when there are many transactions to be added to a block.
All deposits are automatically credited to your balance, as you send BTC to the unique wallet address generated during funding request.
Yes, you can invest in multiple plans. All investments run concurrently.
ECryptoStocks Holding earns on cryptocurrency mining as well as on cloud mining and trading of cryptocurrencies.
ECryptoStocks Holding is a subsidiary of FINANCIAL SERVICES BUREAU LIMITED incorporated in United Kingdom (<a target="_blank" href="https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10558687">10558687</
Registration on ECryptoStocks Holding Exchange is free.
You can make a request at anytime, including weekends.
There is no limit for withdrawals.
It needs 2-3 network confirmations and may take up to 30 minutes.
It is always the possibility in the sphere of investment. However, in our case, the probability is relatively low.